Here goes
Well, the graphics were, above all, very smooth. the characters, coulde looked a bit better, but the backgrounds really looked very smooth and very nice.
I like random movies, except for 'let's put a penis on a celibrity'random but this was just random as in wtf is this random which I do like. So the style is very good.
Sound is really good too, allthough, as said, some music was chopped off rather awkwardly, and sound effects could probably used some work, but it was fine overall.
The violence in this movie was really what was all about. SuperSayanMario going rampage against clocks! And all the action was quite neat looking so I'll give you a 9 for that too.
The menu was fine, and the pre-loader was okay too. So I'll give interactivity an 8.
I lol'd at Mario eating a pizza very fast, but that was about it, so a 7 for humor.
All in all, the movie was very long, and not really that boring, so eventually, you go home with a nine.
Now go work on UT3 :P