You have something here...
Well you do have an original concept here. Too bad your presentation just sucks. Clicking squares isn't my idea of fun.
As you are already creating a version 1.2, consider the following things which would make it better:
- Not clicking squares, animations for the squares or something to make the squares more interesting. You could do coloured ones. But for that extra psychedelic effect, make them change color on over or down. Also how about making the first square huge, then in the second level two halve square, third level one third of the big square. So they don't stay exactly the same. Allthough it would be even better if you put down the squares and go for trees or windows or even (animated) humans.
- You need backgrounds. It will look so much better with backgrounds. It'll make it much less dull looking fast. Even just a fading colour would do just the trick. It'll help the psychedelic effect too if you're gonna use coloured squares and have the background coloured too. A changing colour in the background (using a simple shape tween) would be nice too.
- At the very least a mute button. I like listening to my own music. You could also add like 3 or 4 songs so people can choose, as long not everyone likes to hear the pussycat dolls. You can find some irritating techno-noises in the Audio Portal if you need 'em.
- Presentation. Make the screen bigger and have a cool intro just to make things interesting. Also have a menu with a simple how to play page.
- Instead of just going back to a level (like checkpoints) have people have 3 lives or something. It'll make it more interesting (and less frustrting?)
Well these are some things you c(sh)ould add to version 1.2. If you need help, you can always PM me.